How Do I Get My books?

  • Step 1: Enter your Paxi details

    At checkout, please select your required Paxi size. Ensure that your delivery address is your nearest Pep/Shoe City store.

    Small Paxi bag - fits up to 10 books R59 (size dependent).

    Large Paxi bag - fits up to 18 books R99 (size dependent).

    FREE Shipping for all orders over R750.

    *Paxi insurance can be added for R10.

  • Step 2: Tracking

    Please note that once your parcel has been Paxi'd out, Read Me SA is no longer liable for the parcel. You will receive sms notifications to your phone as your Paxi parcel moves, we will also receive these

  • Step 3: Delivery

    Sit back, relax, your books are on their way!

    Approximate delivery time is 7-9 days, but can be from as little as 3 days.